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BOOK 30 in Cocker Brothers Announcement!

Writer: Faleena HopkinsFaleena Hopkins

Hi! Hope you’re having a glorious day…or at least passably good as far as days go. ;-)

I just wanted you to know that I’ve begun Chapter 1 of Book 30, the new book I will share with you chapter by chapter!

I’m completing the edit and should have it out for you tomorrow, Monday Oct. 14, Tues. morning at the latest.

The first chapter is always the hardest. Why?

It takes me a second to switch gears from one book to the next, hence the wait. I’ve always said that I let the characters tell me their story, and I never plan the plot so I end up getting really immersed in their worlds. Challenging to switch gears from one character to the next.

I am what they call in the publishing world a “Pantser.” There are either “Outliners” or “Panters” - those who write outlines before they begin, or those who write by the seat of their pants (meaning we have no idea what’s going to happen, the story reveals itself to us as we write it!)

That’s me. And Stephen King is a Pantser, too. If you’re a writer, or interested in the art of writing, I highly recommend his memoir “On Writing.”

Anyhoo, the way I feel it happens is the characters tell me what happened to them. I then write it down as honestly, in their voice, as I can. You probably noticed how Ben’s Book - Cocky New Start - has a different feel than Sage’s love story - Cocky Secrets. That’s because they’re such different people. I guess I could call them characters but they feel like people to me. (Follow the links to see them on Amazon. Please give Cocky Secrets a rating if you read it here and would like to help the world find her love story, too!)

Who is next?

Zoe Cocker is the voice that’s called me to tell her story. She’s Jeremy Cocker’s daughter (his love story is here, Cocky Marine, Book 6). Her brothers Nicholas and Wyatt both have their books out. Nathan and Zoe, the final two siblings/offspring in their household, have yet to have their stories told.

Well, now it’s Zoe Cocker's time!

See below and above the Cocker Family trees to easily track who’s who in the Cocker Brothers universe.

So yay! Are you ready for a new book?!

And did you know you can get a free month if you refer a friend who becomes a paid subscriber, but this is available only for Substack subscribers! (The platform I built my website on doesn't have a referral option, or I'd do it.) You're welcome to stay here as this is the only place where's there's a $5 option, but please just know you'll have to check back to see when new chapters go live. I can't email you from here. If you're a subscriber on Substack you'll get emails, the referral discount, and an app that's a bit more slick.

However, I plan to post chapters Monday-Friday this go-around to be more consistent, barring any unforeseen circumstances. I will do my very best. Please forgive me if I miss one here or there. Sometimes the characters want me to change something. Ya never know!

I look forward to entertaining you!

Faleena Hopkins



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